I snapped a few pictures during school the other day! Wow, imagine that! A picture without a cake in it! Here's a neat project we started last week: illustrating the 23rd Psalm, a passage we are committing to memory.

John Merritt decided e wanted to write a book about a trip to the library.

Here's Samuel working on his "school."

Here are a few words from John Merritt's spelling list. His penmanship is getting better. Hopefully, it will end up being a lot better than mine!

We've been working on building a few more raised garden beds. Here's Sam hard at "work."

John Merritt working the soil, getting ready to add more dirt and other fun stuff (I'm talking about that yellow bag with the picture of the cow on it!)

Sacked out after a hard day in the garden.

I always try and get a family Easter picture. Samuel was not thrilled.

Sam in Sunday School.

My poor short legged child.

Dad also built a nice picnic table for us! Good job Daddy!

This is our friend Stick that John Merritt found. Look at how dirty my child is! The bathtub has been working overtime lately. I'm ready for when the weather is warm enough I can just hose them off outside. Aaahhh the joys of country living!

another dirty boy!

Stay tuned for garden updates!!
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