Yes, it's not a typo. I waited anxiously until midnight to hold my little drawing. The first name I pulled out of my bucket was KATY!!! Congrats Katy. But then I started feeling sad for all of you who didn't win. I would love to send each and every one of you cookies, but I just can't. I did decided, however, to draw a second name out of my bucket. And the 2nd place winner is Kandis!! Woo Hoo. Here is what Katy and Kandis had to share about their favorite kind of cookie.
Katy said
My Grandmama's shortbread cookies! Our family is Scottish, and these were the real deal. The only time she made them was at Christmas, and each family got a tin. They were rationed at our house, even getting down to splitting cookies and licking our fingers to get every last crumb. My cousin sent me Grandmama's prized recipe after she died. I haven't had the heart to make them, fearing it was the heart that she put into them that made them so special! Maybe I'll give it a go this Christmas!
Did it make you catch a tear? So sweet.
and Kandis said
Oh, Chocolate Chip, Peanut Butter, Sugar, Molasses Chew, Shortbread, White Chocolate and Macadamia, White Chocolate and Cherry, Triple Chocolate, M&M, Peanut Butter with Hershey Kisses pressed in the middle, Ginger Snap, Lemon, Oatmeal Raisin, Chocolate Mint...just to name a few. I got my sweet tooth from my Daddy's side of the family, it's not secret. But I guess my sweetest memory of making cookies is with Judy King, which ultimately makes my favorite cookie the Snickerdoodle, since that is what we made. Anyone who knew Judy will agree, to spend time with her was always special. She made everything extraordinary and beautiful. It was her gift. I don't know why I had the privilege of getting her all to myself this particular day, but I did! And we went to her house and made Snickerdoodle cookies to take to church for a fellowship function later that evening (back when we used to fellowship in the basement!) I got to measure and pour and mix, and then lick the beaters! She was so encouraging and uplifting, and she always made me feel like I did a great job, as if no other 7 year old in the whole world could ever do it better! That night, as each person placed a Snickerdoodle on their plate, I prowled the room, watching everyone eat my cookies and I remember feeling so important and grown, and, well, part of something. I guess that's when I fell in love with cookies and making them for other people. Judy had a way of making impressions like that.
Life can be hard, full of complications and disappointments. But cookies are such a simple joy--for one moment there is nothing but you, the sweet taste of sugar and butter, and the beautiful gift of taste God gave us. That's why I always give cookies (or other decadent treats)to anyone who needs a little lift. A prayer and a cookie is good for the soul!
Kandis is a sweet young lady that grew up in the church my husband now pastors. Judy King, who she mentions in her comment was a dear member who passed away last summer. I only knew her for a short time, but she was a very special person and could put Martha to shame in the kitchen!
Such neat stories, Katy and Kandis, and all the ladies that entered. I think I'll be doing this again soon!
Yay Me! I love cookies! And Yay you for having this contest! We love your unique and creative self!